Strong Brutal Violence And Language Throughout, And For Brief Nudity

"Logan" director James Mangold took to Twitter today to formally announce to fans that his upcoming......
X-Men movie has officially received an R rating from the MPAA. As Mangold notes, that’s due to “strong brutal violence and language throughout, and for brief nudity. ”
Logan’s rating doesn’t come as a surprise, given that the film has always been shooting for a R-rating, with Mangold claiming that star Hugh Jackman took a pay cut to ensure the film could be rated R. The Wolverine swan song's R rating also comes on the heels of Fox’s massive blockbuster success of the similarly rated Deadpool, which took critics and the box office by storm last year, a feat that Fox no doubt hopes that Logan will be able to emulate.

A successful R-rated Logan could also open the door for future adult-focused followups starring X-23, the female clone of Logan that Logan will introduce. In the current comic book run, X-23 has taken Logan’s mantle as Wolverine, a role that fans suspect may hold true in the film franchise as well. If that happens, she could breathe new life into the X-Men franchise overall.
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